Category Archives for "about LaurieAnn"

Rhythm: Our Birthright

about LaurieAnn , children dancing , dance videos , Lindy Hop , music for dance , rhythm , teaching dance

  I’ve shown this video in a previous blog, but It so perfectly illustrates my point that just have to show it again: [embedplusvideo height=”388″ width=”640″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=to7uIG8KYhg&width=640&height=388&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5172″ /] Rhythm and Dance are our Birthright I believe that human beings are born with an innate sense of rhythm. I believe that as we […]

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Dancing blind

about LaurieAnn , dance videos , dancing with physical challenges , inspirational dancing , leading and following , performance dance , social dancing , teaching dance , west coast swing

When my dance students are learning the skill of following, I often suggest they close their eyes.  Closing your eyes takes away a lot of the urge to back lead, and it brings forward the senses you use to feel the lead. Even when social dancing, I often close my eyes because it’s relaxing and […]

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Switching the Lead and Follow in Partner Dancing

about LaurieAnn , Connecting Socially , Dance History , dance videos , leading and following , Lindy Hop , same sex dancing , social dancing , teaching dance

Switching the Lead and Follow in Partner Dance When both partners know how to lead as well as follow, dancers can switch roles during a dance.  This is truly the ideal solution for people who are worried about sexism in the roles of lead and follow, but not everyone wants to learn both parts.  Yes, […]

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