Category Archives for "sport dancing"

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When Is A Dance Too Acrobatic?

competitive dance , dance videos , dancing in the golden years , gymnastics , inspirational dancing , music for dance , performance dance , sport dancing

Controversial dance This surprising controversy in the dance community popped up when this video started going viral: [embedplusvideo height=”390″ width=”640″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=XAh9zYWfJiY&width=640&height=390&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep7038″ /] But is it really dance? Some people commented that is isn’t really dance because it’s really just a bunch of aerials and really qualifies as acrobatics rather than dance.  If […]

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Are Gymnasts Dancers?

sport dancing

This is the first of 2 posts about dancing gymnasts.   In my opinion, dance skill has a lot to do with the success of a gymnastic routine.   As you know, I’m also very opinionated about dance and part of my criteria is that the dance is an expression of the music.  In this wonderful routine […]

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