Thankful for Dance and Love and Love of Dance

about LaurieAnn


Bonnie And LaurieAnn

Me (in black) and my sister

Today is Thanksgiving and I like to honor the tradition of gratitude at least as much as that of family, good friends, and way too much food.


Not many people are lucky enough to get to do what they love, about which they are passionate and at which they excel.  I’m grateful every day that I get to make my living teaching dance.  And I’m grateful that I found and recognized that which I was truly meant to do.


And because all self employed people are in the business of marketing, at which I definitely do not  excel, I am also grateful every day for the love and support of my amazing sister and brother in law who have been my lifeline.  Whenever I hear horror stories about siblings fighting over an inheritance, I am again grateful that my sister and I share the wisdom to know what’s really important and value love over possessions.


And teaching notwithstanding, I’m grateful to have dance in my life because nothing brings me more joy.  And I’m grateful for the friends in my dance community because partner dance is even more fun when you do it with people you love.


May all my readers have as much to be grateful for.  May you all be filled with love for the people in your lives and at your table and may you all enjoy a great meal prepared with joy.


And if you eat too much, or even if you don’t, put on some music and dance!


by LaurieAnn Lepoff

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About the Author

With a professional dance teaching career spanning over three decades, LaurieAnn Lepoff specializes in teaching people with two-left-feet the skills of leading, following and dancing to the music, while working with the psychological and physical barriers of the human body.

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