Dance is a Natural Response to Music: Meet The Magical Piano

dance videos

man dances with the piano

The Magic Piano Inspires an Unlikely Dancer

Dance and music, in my opinion, go hand in hand.  Not everyone agrees, you might be surprised to learn.  There are forms of dance that don’t have a connection to music, and I usually don’t like those kinds of dance.  I think of dance as making a musical instrument of your body and jamming with the band.  I always light up when I see people responding spontaneously to music by dancing in spite of themselves.  It is in fact my vision to see a world where everyone does that, unselfconsciously and with complete abandon.

Every once in a while I have the pleasure of seeing such a moment caught on video and of course I have to share it with you.  This video is a complete delight, not just for the spontaneous dancer, but for the entire concept.  The creative minds behind this idea partnered with Amtrack in Chicago put this “Magical Piano” in one of their stations just to help ease the stress of holiday travel for its passengers.  The technology is in itself stunning (the pianist is in a nearby room, responding in real time as the piano), but the inspiration to use it in this thoroughly charming way is a real gift.

Like the musicians who are inspired to jam with this sassy piano, one guy uses his body to do the same.  Sometimes people, even businesses, really do get it right.  You’ll see what I mean when you treat yourself to this:

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By LaurieAnn Lepoff

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About the Author

With a professional dance teaching career spanning over three decades, LaurieAnn Lepoff specializes in teaching people with two-left-feet the skills of leading, following and dancing to the music, while working with the psychological and physical barriers of the human body.