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Tag Archives for " unselfconscious dance "

Do Animals Have Rhythm? Another Look at Musical Animals

dancing animals , dancing for joy , rhythm

[embedplusvideo height=”390″ width=”640″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=RKcks_4uLmA&width=640&height=390&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3328″ /]   I’ve written on this subject before, the answer being that some animals really do dance in response to music (birds) and others are simply trained to go through the motions (dogs). Whenever I see a new example of musical intelligence in an animal, I’m inspired to […]

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Effortless Dancing

dance videos , inspirational dancing

What is it about real masters that makes their dancing so irresistible to watch?  It’s not that they make it look easy.  It’s that they make it look effortless.  Some dancers have it and some don’t, but the difference is striking.  Ruby Keeler was a prolific movie star who made a ton of musicals in […]

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